August 29, 2008

Cereus No. 7 – BFFs

By Daniel

In my initial ratings just smelling the vials, my commentary on Cereus No. 7 was “I got a big old whiff of Green Irish Tweed right off the bat.” I was so confident today that I’d hit on something that I skipped the solo wearing and wore it side-by-side with the Creed offering. Today’s an important day too, I’m in the middle of possibly making a job change and wore the fragrances in hopes of putting my best foot forward with my possible new boss.

More news on the job hunt to come but let me say that as rarely as I make correct predictions…I was spot on with the comparison to GIT. Before the Creed fanbois start sending me hate mail, read on.

Cereus No. 7 starts out with a very familiar soapy opening, the same one I smelled just off of the dipper from the vial. Surface appearances, however, are only a little bit of what No. 7 offers. It takes a little while for No. 7 and Green Irish Tweed to start differentiating, about an hour. While Green Irish Tweed stays fairly linear, Cereus No. 7 adds a pepper note that, in my opinion, does wonders for the masculinity of the fragrance. Let’s face it, GIT is a linear soap-inspired scent evoking cleanliness and a gentle demeanor. Cereus No. 7 is a more roguish creature; while GIT might be the well-to-do businessman on the black-tie date, Cereus No. 7 is the well-dressed young romeo with an adventurous side. It’s more contemporary, it’s just slightly dirty and it does a fantastic job of setting itself apart from Green Irish Tweed by a minor adjustment that appeals to a whole different clientele.

There’s another issue, one I make frequent mention of on here and that’s price. As niche goes, Cereus is very reasonably priced. You can get a 75mL bottle for $125 which, if I recall correctly, is better than what you’ll expect to pay for Creed in a retail environment. What’s better, when I placed the order from Luckyscent for the 1mL sample I got a little bit larger vial, for the same price.

I was very careful in buying my bottle of Green Irish Tweed. While I own a 120mL bottle, I bought it used and there’s at best 30 or 40mL left. I didn’t pay terribly much for it either. Cereus No. 7 is, to me, preferable to Green Irish Tweed. This was the first time in the niche experiment that I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Sample worthy and, if you like good clean fun with just a hint of a wild side, bottle worthy.