Author: Daniel

Sysadmin turned bearpuncher. Whereabouts unknown.
August 22, 2008

Unforgivable – My Gateway Drug

It’s a bit scary to realize that at this point I’ve only been a fragrance enthusiast for about six months, and my collection has amassed to 34 bottles.  And probably that many samples.  How it started was simple, I ran out of my usual cologne (Polo Blue) and was looking for something new to try.  Being the good boy I am, I got on Amazon and looked at best-sellers and took down a list of the top 20 or so bestsellers and took off to Paducah with list in hand.  Unfortunately, Paducah offers precious little in the way of couture, so a lot of it was stuff I was pretty much not going to find.  One that I did find, however, was Unforgivable by Sean John.  This was pretty late in my testing and I was surprised and a little irritated to find that I actually quite liked it; after all, I don’t really see Sean John as a good representation of my typical life (i.e., being a nerd).

I don’t know what exactly I liked about it.  It’s classy without being pretentious, clean without being soapy, and masculine enough to wear pretty much any time.  Even now it’s still one of my favorite all-around fragrances.  It wasn’t exactly random either in retrospect, as it has three of my favorite notes in the base (sandalwood, tonka bean, and amber) and it really is a very well put-together fragrance.

There is, however, that connection.  Basenoters know what I’m talking about, the connection between Unforgivable and Millesime Imperial by Creed.  “Dead ringer” is a good term to use.  They’re as similar as any two fragrances I’ve ever tried.  The issue is further compounded when you realize that Diddy’s signature scent prior to making Unforgivable was…yup.  Millesime Imperial.

Creed purists will maintain that … (More) “Unforgivable – My Gateway Drug”

August 18, 2008

I want a stamp.

We make stamps at work, I want one that says “I ASKED A STUPID QUESTION” in angry red letters.  And when someone…asks a stupid question, I will smash the stamp down on their stupid head.  And send them on their way slightly wiser for the experience.… (More) “I want a stamp.”

August 6, 2008

To Do List – 6 August 2008

  • More cologne reviews.  Get off your ass and write one at least every other day.  You have 30 bottles, can you be done in 2 months?  Deadline so set.
  • Start writing the Project: Wardrive article/miniseries.  Time’s not a huge issue here, nothing’s gonna happen for another 6 weeks in the project but there will be quite a bit of research and mapping prior to kickoff.  At least get the intro post ready, there will be a video to go along with it.
  • More posting in general.  You should be embarassed.
  • Laundry
  • Cold Fusion
  • $$$
(More) “To Do List – 6 August 2008”
July 7, 2008

The End Of An Error (not you, GWB)

Today, 7/7 represents a milestone day for me.  A day that I’ve promised myself to stop being…a fatass.  I’m giving myself 8 weeks, to the end of August, to drop from an overweight 150 to an intermediate goal of 135.  With the benefits of a nice scale comes the ability to track other things like Body Fat, Muscle Mass, and more.  I’m counting calories, limiting myself to 1800 daily, and I’m trying to decide the best balance of carbs, protein, and fat for me and my lifestyle.

So, here goes nothing.

Today (Next Target 7/13) (Final Goal 8/31)
Weight: 149.4 lbs (147.5 lbs) (134.2 lbs)
Body Fat Percentage: 17.8% (17.4%) (14.6%)
Muscle Mass Percentage: 44.7% (45.0%) (47.1%)(More) “The End Of An Error (not you, GWB)”