Author: Daniel

Sysadmin turned bearpuncher. Whereabouts unknown.
June 10, 2008

Ah hell…

I couldn’t get away from it for too long, I’m GMing on a certain private WoW server again. If that’s your kind of thing holler at me on AIM and I can give you some more information.… (More) “Ah hell…”

June 3, 2008

Caesars Man: Nuclear Freaking Deathbomb

Ah, Caesars Man.  You were almost my first online purchase, almost.  Especially at $11 for a big ol’ 4.0 oz bottle.  And in your immediate defense, you don’t sound all that bad, with notes of Lime, Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Amber, and Musk.  Imagine my joy when I spot you at the local TJ Maxx.  $9.99 for the same 4.0 oz bottle!  I’m sold!

And that’s where it all went wrong.

Of course, I can’t be too much of a prick about this, at $2.50 an ounce it’s the cheapest cologne in my wardrobe.  The initial burst is even rather pleasant!  Nice crisp citrus with the edges slightly rounded by the sandalwood base.  And I love sandalwood fragrances.  Give it about 30 minutes though, and you start to see another side.  That citrus note gets a little too sweet, almost rotten, and it starts picking up a new note, which to me smells like fir or mint or pine.  Something in that area.  And then the base vanishes.  So you’re left with rotten oranges and pine (rotten orange pine-sol?), and this will be the state of affairs for the next, oh, 15 hours.  On two sprays.  And I’d really rather not project this stuff, so of course it’s one of the great sillage monsters of my wardrobe.

Or it was, anyway.  I gave the bottle to my Dad as I knew I honestly would never wear the stuff again.  He took it with him on a vacation to Florida.  When he returned a week later, he took his shaving bag and tossed it up on the counter.  About a minute later I started smelling something, and something not particularly good either.  With a lurching suspicion, I approach the bag and the scent grows stronger.  I open the zipper and see a puddle … (More) “Caesars Man: Nuclear Freaking Deathbomb”

June 2, 2008

We Are Live

Hello from the Bernheim Mansion.  This place is sweet and I’ve just about got the apartment the way I want it.  Pics in a couple days.

Oh, and I can ride my bike to UofL, takes about 5 minutes.  I couldn’t find a parking space and walk from the lot that quick!… (More) “We Are Live”

May 30, 2008

An Exemplar of “zZz…”

It’s amazing how quickly 36 hours turns into 20 turns into 10, especially when there’s a lot of stuff to be done.  But against all odds, just about everything is loaded up.  I still have some boxing up to do, but the hard work is over.  For this half, anyway.  The other half starts in about 16 hours.  I imagine I will be amazed at how quick that arrives too.

But, among the things left to pack up is this computer, so I am unplugging.  The next blog entry will be from my new place in Louisville.

See you then.… (More) “An Exemplar of “zZz…””

May 29, 2008

Uneasy Rider

With less than 36 hours to the move I have to say…holy crap I still have a ton of stuff to do.

And I’m getting sick.

And I may or may not sleep tonight.

Or tomorrow night.… (More) “Uneasy Rider”

May 28, 2008

Wakeup Call

So things were going just a little too well as the days closed to the move.  I just hit a raccoon and my radiator appears to be shot, though it’s hard to tell with no light.  Taking it to the dealer tomorrow and hoping they can get it fixed Thursday or Friday at the latest.

This does put pretty much everything I’ve worked for over the past two months at risk.

*headdesk*… (More) “Wakeup Call”